April 5, 2017
The CAS Institute (iCAS), a subsidiary of the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) offering credentials and educational opportunities for professionals working in highly specialized quantitative practice areas, recently honored the first recipients of its Certified Specialist in Predictive Analytics (CSPA) credential during the 2017 CAS Ratemaking and Product Management Seminar in San Diego, CA.
The CSPA credential provides evidence of practical knowledge in applied predictive analytics and data science as used in data-intensive industry sectors. Thirty-two predictive analytics professionals were awarded the CSPA credential in recognition of their competence as experienced practitioners in the field.
“I’ve watched predictive analytics continue to expand its role in the insurance industry for a number of years,” said Susan Poole, FCAS, MAAA, a newly credentialed CSPA and data scientist at SECURA Insurance Companies. “The CSPA credential combines a solid insurance foundation with predictive analytics to allow the practitioner to effectively tackle insurance-specific challenges. Attaining the CSPA credential has helped me to tailor my career path to incorporate an emphasis on predictive analytics.”
“From the moment I first heard about the CSPA designation, I knew that it was something I wanted to pursue,” added Ron Lettofsky, ACAS, newly credentialed CSPA and senior actuarial manager of claims analytics at Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty. “The CSPA indicates I have expertise beyond traditional actuarial training – people who see the CSPA designation will know that I also have proven skills in predictive analytics and data management.”
The CAS Institute is continuing to accept applications for the CSPA credential from experienced practitioners through November 30, 2017. More information about the CSPA education program and the experienced practitioner application process can be found on the iCAS website.
Certified Specialist in Predictive Analytics (CSPA) Designees
March 2017
Avraham Adler, CSPA, FCAS, MAAA, CERA – Guy Carpenter & Co. LLC
Joel Atkins, CSPA, FCAS, CPCU – CNA Insurance Companies
Shane Barnes, CSPA, FCAS – The Hartford
Andrew Brown, CSPA – Guide One Insurance Group
Richard Crabb, CSPA, FCAS – University of Wisconsin – Madison
Denise Christophel, CSPA, CPCU – Sentry Insurance
Linhui Dong, CSPA – Munich Re America
Louise Francis, CSPA, FCAS, MAAA – Francis Analytics & Actuarial Data Mining Inc.
William Frierson, CSPA – Willis Towers Watson
Luyang Fu, CSPA, FCAS – The Cincinnati Insurance Companies
Trent Goughnour, CSPA – Pinnacle Actuarial Resources, Inc.
James Guszcza, CSPA, Ph.D., FCAS – Deloitte Consulting, LLC
Gregory Hayward, CSPA, FCAS, MAAA, FCIA, CERA – State Farm
Jeffrey Kinsey, CSPA, FCAS, MAAA – State Farm
Ravi Kumar, CSPA, ACAS, MAAA – QBE North America
Todd Lehmann, CSPA, FCAS, MAAA – Quincy Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Ronald Lettofsky, CSPA, ACAS – Allianz Global
Weiting Lu, CSPA – Oliver Wyman Actuarial Consulting
Zachary Martin, CSPA, FCAS, FSA, MAAA – Zurich North America
Hernan Medina, CSPA, CPCU – ISO
Stephen Mildenhall, CSPA, Ph.D., FCAS, ASA, MAAA, CERA – St. John’s University
Christopher Monsour, CSPA, FCAS, MAAA – CNA Insurance Companies
Roosevelt Mosley, CSPA, FCAS – Pinnacle Actuarial Resources, Inc.
Susan Poole, CSPA, FCAS, MAAA – SECURA Insurance Companies
Ernesto Schirmacher, CSPA – Liberty Mutual Insurance
Stephen Stone, CSPA, FSA – Agam Capital Management
Andrew Sutcliffe, CSPA – Allianz Global
Rebecca Vessenes, CSPA, Ph.D., ASA – Liberty Mutual Insurance
Cheng-Sheng Peter Wu, CSPA, FCAS, ASA, MAAA – Deloitte Consulting, LLP
Guangjin Xiao, CSPA, FCAS, MAAA – CNA Insurance Companies
Jonathan Zabek, CSPA, MSPA – Franklin Mutual Insurance Company
Ya Zhang, CSPA – One Beacon Insurance Group